Collaboration in Family Violence Response
ECLIPSE's Collaboration in Family Violence Response workshop is for multi-disciplinary family violence collectives working to establish and/or maintain strong practice foundations. This workshop supports safe, collaborative practice responses by exploring the realities of the experiences of whānau experiencing family violence, their resistance strategies and the reasons behind their responses to practitioners, responders and support organisations. The workshop is designed to explore how the Safety Assessment Meeting can be used as an effective tool for collaborative risk assessment and safety response planning.
This workshop is only available for family violence networks such as Integrated Safety Response (ISR), Whāngaia Ngā Pā Harakeke, or Family Violence Inter Agency Response System (FVIARS).
Course Length: 5 hours
About the Course
ECLIPSE recognises that all collectives have different operational priorities and processes. Therefore, this workshop is personalised to your collective. We work with you to understand your current collaboration, vision, mission, and objectives, as well as how you as a collective group adhere to this, while upholding your service position to whānau.
As part of this workshop, we will explore SAM table practice and the use of FSS as an information collation space to support family safety.
Task and plan development, accountability processes to both whānau and across professional collective relationships. What is a good outcome, and how is it achieved?
Through completing this workshop, your family violence collective will:
Identify and further explore the successes and challenges of your multi-disciplinary response while upholding the dignity and mana of whānau.
Explore your local collective SAM table practice, processes and accountability structures.
Obtain a deeper understanding of ECLIPSE’s Multifaceted Entrapment model - Relational Entrapment, Systemic Entrapment and Structural Entrapment.
Obtain a deeper understanding of ECLIPSE’s Practitioner-Victim Insight Concept (PVIC) to highlight:
Barriers to connection and engagement for whānau experiencing family violence.
Resistance strategies and how victims resist coercive control and family violence every day.
Understand the importance of self-determination strategies, dignity-enhancing practice, and empathetic connection as steps to a healing pathway.