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Foundational Family Violence 101
Dynamics, Indicators and Impacts

ECLIPSE's Foundational Family Violence 101: Dynamics, Indicators and Impacts training will help you grow in your understanding of the dynamics of family violence and how it impacts on individuals and whānau.

About the Course

Our Foundational Family Violence 101 training is designed to help

you understand the dynamics, indicators and impacts of family

violence from ECLIPSE's unique practitioner-lived experience

perspective. The training will help you build a baseline understanding,

knowledge, and response capability.

Through attending this course you'll:

  • Be introduced to key concepts of family violence. 

  • Have a greater understanding of the risk factors and dynamics of family violence.

  • Develop insight into the short and long term impacts of family violence on victims, children, and whānau.

  • Learn more about legislation and orders relating to family violence, including the Family Violence Act 2018, Domestic Violence Victims Protection Act 2018, and the Oranga Tamariki Act 1989.

  • Grow in awareness and knowledge of the dynamics of family violence and how you can respond in a more empathetic manner.

ECLIPSE training courses align with the principles of Te Aorerekura: National Strategy to Eliminate Family Violence and Sexual Violence.

Course Length: 6 hours

Course Cost:

$100+GST (online)

$150+GST (in person)

Your Facilitator

Debbs Murray

Debbs was a victim of serious family violence and harm. Upon navigating a pathway to a life free from violence, she has dedicated her career to the family violence sector. For more than 20 years, Debbs has unashamedly pushed for greater local and national victim survivor and sectoral awareness, while striving to increase systemic and workforce capability. 


As a survivor of family violence, Debbs recognises and presents an interconnected perspective of victim-survivor and practitioner in a professional, healthy, engaging, and informative manner. Debbs is passionate about improving outcomes for whānau through increasing professional family violence capability and organisational accountability.

Debbs Murray.webp
"I'm so grateful that I was able to participate in this course...  Debbs made us all feel welcome and provided us with information and resources that will support our work." 


"This was a great training presented by Debbs. She did a great job at making it relevant to our specific work so that we could learn and understand how to work better with our families affected by family violence."


"Debbs' personal experience and personable nature made it easy to ask questions and really engage with someone who truly understands what they're teaching."


Upcoming Course Dates

9-11 October 2024


22 October 2024

8.30am - 3.30pm

25 October 2024

8.30am - 3.30pm

2-4 December 2024


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