Call 111 if you or someone you know is in immediate danger.
Phone It's Not OK on 0800 456 450 for support finding a service near you.
Phone the Women's Refuge Crisis line on 0800 REFUGE (0800 733 843).
Debbs' Story
Debbs was a victim of serious family violence and harm. Upon navigating a pathway to a life free from violence, she has dedicated her career to the family violence sector. For more than 20 years, Debbs has unashamedly pushed for greater local and national victim survivor and sectorial awareness, while striving to increase systemic and workforce capability.
Debbs is the very proud mother of four amazing adult children (and Soxz the cat), nanny to eight precious grandbabies, a partner, a daughter, a sister, a sister-in-law and an aunty.
As a survivor of family violence, Debbs recognises and presents an interconnected perspective of victim survivor and practitioner in a professional, healthy, engaging, and informative manner. Debbs is passionate about improving outcomes for whānau through increasing professional family violence capability and organisational accountability.
Debbs founded ECLIPSE Family Violence Services to share a unique practitioner-victim perspective and has developed models and tools to help practitioners build greater understanding and awareness of family violence, and coercive control as an overarching tactic.
Debbs is now at a place in her life where she is choosing to stand by her story and experiences. She has written book of her journey through family violence called One Soul, One Survivor and recently shared aspects of her personal journey in the New Zealand on Air Breaking Silence documentary series.

One Soul, One Survivor Book
In Debbs Murray's first book, One Soul, One Survivor, Debbs shares her deeply personal and powerful recount of her journey through a harrowing relationship marked by severe family violence. In this book, Debbs share insights into the complexities and dynamics of family violence, revealing how the person she loved used coercive control to strip away every aspect of her identity.
One Soul, One Survivor is not just Debbs' story—it is an informative and raw guide that offers hope and understanding. It speaks to anyone who may be experiencing family violence and to those who support them.