Call 111 if you or someone you know is in immediate danger.
Phone It's Not OK on 0800 456 450 for support finding a service near you.
Phone the Women's Refuge Crisis line on 0800 REFUGE (0800 733 843).
ECLIPSE KNOWSS (Knowledge in Navigating our Workforce Systems and Sector) is a regular series of 1-hour online Master Classes to support practitioners to better understand and navigate our systems and sector by bringing in sectoral experts to guide and support learning.
$10 - all profits donated to our charities of choice.
Charities of Choice
Pet Refuge - providing temporary homes to pets whilst owners escape family violence.
Woven Earth - furnishing homes of family violence survivors.
Louise Nicholas Trust - supporting survivors of sexual and family violence navigate the criminal justice system.
Please note: tickets purchased are for one person only. If additional attendees, please book additional tickets. Thanks!