ECLIPSE (and I) welcome the Government's launch of the second Te Aorerekura Action Plan to address family and sexual violence. Te Aorerekura is the strategy for the elimination of family violence and sexual violence in Aotearoa New Zealand.
The second Plan is more targeted and focused with seven core focus areas over the next five years. Over the next two years, Te Puna Aonui will focus on three of these areas:
Investing and Commissioning Well.
Keeping People Safe.
Stopping Violence.
The first Action plan included 40 actions, which felt slightly overwhelming (although all were completely relevant). The more focused Action Plan makes an elimination strategy feel more obtainable, achievable, and less daunting. In recent discussions with Minister Chhour, she explained to me that although there are focus Action Points, that does not mean the work on the other action points will cease, it will continue.
Whilst I know everyone had hopes and dreams for what was included in the Action Plan, there was a need for prioritisation. There will always be people/organisations that feel there is not enough focus on their area of the sector. I really want to acknowledge and celebrate that we have a strategy, that nationally and collectively we are working towards reducing and eliminating family and sexual violence.
The Action Plan focuses efforts on several key areas; however, this does not minimise nor diminish the incredible mahi going on throughout the sector. When we all combine and unite our diverse areas of interest and our purposes, “we can move mountains”.
Let us celebrate what we have, how far we have come (because we often forget to do that), and where we are heading. At the end of the day – the future is what we make it, so let’s come together and through collaboration, create a future that serves whānau, families, mokopuna and all diversity groups in a way that increases whānau and family safety and wellbeing.
You can read the Second Te Aorerekura Action Plan here.